"Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy" is truly a charming and enchanting book that will delight all audiences - not only the younger sect. Well written, this novel was impossible to put aside until it was finished. I adored Ophelia and when she happens upon the Marvelous Boy (whom I also was enchanted by), all the pieces of the puzzle start falling together. She now understands her father's actions, the wicked "step mother", why things are happening the way they are...
Well described as a modern-day fairy tale, this book has all the elements of one - magic, mystery, good -vs- evil, a character that needs rescued and a hero. Unlike many of the other stories I've read, this one has a gender role reversal with the female being the strong character.
If there is one book you'd love to pick up to get lost in, this is the one. Yes, it is written for middle grade, but it seems that it is geared towards many ages. Between the beautiful prose and the tale, it was probably my favorite read of 2014. Make sure to add this one to your must reads list!
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley courtesy of the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, but instead, one that gives my honest opinion.